Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to broadcast stream mythtv content in nuv files. I'm controlling the vlc server v 1.1.3 on my debian testing machine via the telnet interface to add files to the playlist. I would then finally like to view this stream within a vlc webplugin based webpage or using the vlc client. Streaming will be only over the LAN. <br>
<br>Everything works fine however between changing from one file to the next the picture freezes for about 5 seconds while the next video gets cached, the file then starts playing with approx 4-5 seconds of picture missing. This is undesirable and ideally I would like to have continuous and seamless playing without any freeze or missing video stream.<br>
<br>I've been at wits end trying to figure out how I can get the vlc server to pre-cache the next file (like it does for VOD) or how I can resolve this. I've even tried this on a quadcore core2duo machine with 6GB RAM to see if hardware has an effect though I can't seem to see that.<br>
<br>I would appreciate it profusely if someone could point me in the right direction.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Bye for now<br>Jeetu<br><a href="http://ebrain.in">ebrain.in</a> | Beehive Computing<br>Discover and run software from any device around you - an open source (GPL) project..<br>