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<h3>Jean-Baptiste Kempf pushed to branch master at <a href="https://code.videolan.org/VideoLAN.org/websites">VideoLAN organization / websites</a></h3>
<strong><a href="https://code.videolan.org/VideoLAN.org/websites/commit/74881320090df4a7e2fc94671babbf76077187c8">74881320</a></strong>
<span>by Jean-Baptiste Kempf</span>
<i>at 2016-02-13T11:34:03Z</i>
<pre class='commit-message'>Stats: Hardcode the old values, instead of using the old database</pre>
<h4>1 changed file:</h4>
<li class='file-stats'>
<a href='#diff-0'>
<li id='diff-0'>
<a href='https://code.videolan.org/VideoLAN.org/websites/commit/74881320090df4a7e2fc94671babbf76077187c8#diff-0'>
<pre class="highlight"><code><span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ffdddd">--- a/www.videolan.org/vlc/stats/downloads.php
</span><span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ddffdd">+++ b/www.videolan.org/vlc/stats/downloads.php
</span><span style="color: #aaaaaa">@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
</span> $srctotal = 0;
<span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ddffdd">+ /* Disabled
</span> $filenamedb = '/home/videolan/etc/db.php';
if( is_readable( $filenamedb ) ) {
require '/home/videolan/etc/db.php';
<span style="color: #aaaaaa">@@ -108,12 +109,64 @@
</span> echo "</tr>\n";
<span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ffdddd">- }
- /* Sourceforge Downloads, from the json auth section
</span><span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ddffdd">+ } */
+ /* Those numbers are a dump of the Database above. */
+ /* The old system is now retired */
+ $table_old = array(
+ "0.7.2" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 42905, "Macintosh" => 5386, "Source" => 15178, "Total" => 63469),
+ "0.8.0" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 12739, "Macintosh" => 1671, "Source" => 2546, "Total" => 16956),
+ "0.8.1" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 2178774, "Macintosh" => 366097, "Source" => 90280, "Total" => 2635151),
+ "0.8.2" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 12405056, "Macintosh" => 1935678, "Source" => 198499, "Total" => 14539233),
+ "0.8.4" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 14509992, "Macintosh" => 2205730, "Source" => 474451, "Total" => 17190173),
+ "0.8.5" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 26809577, "Macintosh" => 2723985, "Source" => 191551, "Total" => 29725113),
+ "0.8.6" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 108588196, "Macintosh" => 8527105, "Source" => 80906, "Total" => 117196207),
+ "0.9.2" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 4645080, "Macintosh" => 461831, "Source" => 29145, "Total" => 5136056),
+ "0.9.3" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 2044, "Macintosh" => 369725, "Source" => 52434, "Total" => 424203),
+ "0.9.4" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 8063624, "Macintosh" => 586607, "Source" => 59302, "Total" => 8709533),
+ "0.9.5" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 1311, "Macintosh" => 653715, "Source" => 86017, "Total" => 741043),
+ "0.9.6" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 8622559, "Macintosh" => 1229534, "Source" => 84462, "Total" => 9936555),
+ "0.9.8a" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 21710725, "Macintosh" => 3984011, "Source" => 225952, "Total" => 25920688),
+ "0.9.9" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 25069860, "Macintosh" => 3508059, "Source" => 90042, "Total" => 28667961),
+ "0.9.10" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 23, "Macintosh" => 1081660, "Source" => 30729, "Total" => 1112412),
+ "1.0.0" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 12559146, "Macintosh" => 1612944, "Source" => 104360, "Total" => 14276450),
+ "1.0.1" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 25432756, "Macintosh" => 2859392, "Source" => 130132, "Total" => 28422280),
+ "1.0.2" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 20454583, "Macintosh" => 2497472, "Source" => 85887, "Total" => 23037942),
+ "1.0.3" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 46850880, "Macintosh" => 5339816, "Source" => 115158, "Total" => 52305854),
+ "1.0.4" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 1675, "Macintosh" => 515, "Source" => 202487, "Total" => 204677),
+ "1.0.5" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 51335602, "Macintosh" => 7918876, "Source" => 12675, "Total" => 59267153),
+ "1.0.6" =>
+ array( "Windows" => 2334, "Macintosh" => 138, "Source" => 2, "Total" => 2474),
+ );
+/* Sourceforge Downloads, from the json auth section
</span> https://sourceforge.net/projects/vlc/files/2.0.4/stats/json?start_date=2010-06-21&end_date=2013-03-30
https://sourceforge.net/projects/vlc/files/2.0.4/win32/stats/json?start_date=2010-06-21&end_date=2013-03-30 */
<span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ffdddd">- $table = array( "1.1.0" => array( "Windows" => 15443389, "Macintosh" => 2546516, "Total" => 18039555 ),
</span><span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ddffdd">+ $table_sf = array( "1.1.0" => array( "Windows" => 15443389, "Macintosh" => 2546516, "Total" => 18039555 ),
</span> "1.1.1" => array( "Windows" => 5407572, "Macintosh" => 539841, "Total" => 5960536 ),
"1.1.2" => array( "Windows" => 11436970, "Macintosh" => 1631421, "Total" => 13108335 ),
"1.1.3" => array( "Windows" => 6678481, "Macintosh" => 5943649, "Total" => 12637918 ),
<span style="color: #aaaaaa">@@ -149,6 +202,8 @@
</span> "2.2.2" => array( "Windows" => 0, "Macintosh" => 0, "Total" => 0 ),
<span style="color: #000000;background-color: #ddffdd">+ $table = array_merge( $table_old, $table_sf );
</span> // Values in this array will be fetched from mirrorbits and added to the value in the $table
$table_mirrorbits = array(
"1.1.0" => array(
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