Hi,<br>I am trying to read the resulted bitstream from outputs files (i.e. mkv,x264,mp4). while opening the output I receive the same answer for 3 types of outputs which I do not know why 3 different format must have the same output stream : <br>134520840<br>Is this output correct and does it represent the coded video after nal units<br>or not?<br>Many thanks for your guids in advance.<br>Farzaneh<br>***********************<br>#include <string.h><br>#include <stdio.h><br>main(void)<br>{<br><br>FILE *fp;<br>fp=fopen("tesss.mp4","rb");/*or tess.mkv or tess.x264*/<br>if (fp==0)<br><br>printf("cannot open\n");<br>else<br>printf("the bitstream is \n%d\n",fp);<br><br>}<br><br><p> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com