<div>Hi everybody,</div>
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<div> Can anyone tell me how I can have a constant bit-rate when I'm using x.264 for coding? when I use x.264's option (e.g. -B 400) for running, bitrate is increased a lot (more than the time when the target bitrate is not specified) and it's a lot more than the bit-rate that I want to have.
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<div>I typed : </div>
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<div> ./x264 -v --b-rdo -t 2 -r 3 --frames 3 foreman.yuv -o output.x264 176x144 -------> result : 372.73 kb/s </div>
<div> ./x264 -v --b-rdo -t 2 <font color="#ff0000">-B 400</font> -r 3 --frames 3 foreman.yuv -o output.x264 176x144 -----> result : 469.07 kb/s </div>
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<div>Thanks for your help in advance.</div>
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