[Android] [PATCH] Add open MRL feature in menu

XilasZ xilasz at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 14:06:56 CEST 2012

> > +            case R.id.ml_menu_open_mrl:
> > +                AlertDialog.Builder b = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
> > +                final EditText input = new EditText(this);
> > +                b.setTitle("Resource MRL");
> > +                b.setMessage("Enter MRL (media resource locator): e.g.
> rtsp:// or http://");
> I am not sure if we need examples, people who knows what an URI is will
> don't need them, and people who don't know will not know what rtsp:// or
> http:// refer to either.

some examples doesn't hurt, and it doesn't take much space.

Please use string ressources instead of hardcoded strings (title, message &
button captions).

>  > +                b.setView(input);
> > +                b.setPositiveButton("Open", new
> DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
> > +                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int
> button) {
> > +                        AudioServiceController c =
> AudioServiceController.getInstance();
> > +                        ArrayList<String> media = new
> ArrayList<String>();
> > +                        media.add(input.getText().toString());
> > +                        c.append(media);
> Why audio-only ?

At least that's a start, video can be added later.
I think we can preparse the stream, and then open it as audio or video.
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