[Android] [PATCH] thumbnailer: do not wait until video position becomes *strictly* superior to THUMBNAIL_POSITION.

Felix Abecassis felix.abecassis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 20:17:42 CET 2013

Sure, but you are unnecessarily checking is_playing even after it became true.
But more importantly, can is_playing become false again afterwards?

If you think that's safe to merge the loops then I will do so :)

2013/11/26 Rafaël Carré <rafael.carre at gmail.com>:
> If (is_playing && get_position) does exactly this :)
> Felix Abecassis <felix.abecassis at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Because I don't want to call get_position before is_playing becomes true.
>> But you are right, it can be done.
>> 2013/11/26 Rafaël Carré <rafael.carre at gmail.com>:
>>> Why not merge is_playing and get_position in one single loop?
>>> Felix Abecassis <felix.abecassis at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> Avoid waiting unnecessarily when the media player reaches exactly
>>>> THUMBNAIL_POSITION. However we must now wait until libvlc updates the
>>>> position before polling with libvlc_media_player_get_position().
>>>> ---
>>>> vlc-android/jni/thumbnailer.c | 15 +++++++++++----
>>>> 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/vlc-android/jni/thumbnailer.c
>>>> b/vlc-android/jni/thumbnailer.c
>>>> index 2d41a59..4086612 100644
>>>> --- a/vlc-android/jni/thumbnailer.c
>>>> +++ b/vlc-android/jni/thumbnailer.c
>>>> @@ -263,12 +263,19 @@ jbyteArray
>>>> Java_org_videolan_libvlc_LibVLC_getThumbnail(JNIEnv *env, jobject thi
>>>> libvlc_media_player_play(mp);
>>>> libvlc_media_player_set_position(mp, THUMBNAIL_POSITION);
>>>> -    int loops = 100;
>>>> -    for (;;) {
>>>> +    int wait_time = 50000;
>>>> +    int max_attempts = 100;
>>>> +    for (int i = 0; i < max_attempts; ++i) {
>>>> +        int playing = libvlc_media_player_is_playing(mp);
>>>> +
>>>> if (playing)
>>>> +            break;
>>>> +        usleep(wait_time);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    for (int i = 0; i < max_attempts; ++i) {
>>>> float pos = libvlc_media_player_get_position(mp);
>>>> -        if (pos > THUMBNAIL_POSITION || !loops--)
>>>> +        if (pos >= THUMBNAIL_POSITION)
>>>> break;
>>>> -        usleep(50000);
>>>> +        usleep(wait_time);
>>>> }
>>>> /* Wait for the thumbnail to be generated. */
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Félix Abecassis

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