[Android] Migration to gradle build system

Geoffrey Métais dekans at videolabs.io
Fri Nov 14 15:45:24 CET 2014

Here is a little script to init both config files with your debug keystore
and your environment variables:

Just launch it at project root folder.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Geoffrey Métais <dekans at videolabs.io>

> Hello everyone,
> I just pushed a commit setting up gradle to build VLC for android.
> I maintained compile.sh and Makefile, so the old build commands still work *for
> now*.
> I still recommend you to switch to gradle, and the Android Studio.
> But first, to be able to build, you have to fill the gradle.properties
> file in project root folder.
> For example I set my debug key as release key to test release builds
> easily:
> Here is my gradle.properties:
> keyStoreFile=/home/dekans/.android/debug.keystore
> storealias=androiddebugkey
> storepwd=android
> Just change your home directory, you must have the same setup for debug
> key.
> Then, build VLC,
> you can do it in CLI:
> '*.gradlew installDebug*'
> or '*./gradlew assembleDebug*' to only build, and don't install.
> You can build all targets at once:
> '*./gradlew assemble*'
> check '*./gradlew tasks*' to see all available tasks.
> You can also build from Android Studio, by clicking 'run'
> On the bottom left of the IDE window there is a *build variants* button,
> I don't explain you what it's for...
> Unfortunately, gradle in AS is not able to read environment variables, so
> be sure to set sdk.dir and ndk.dir in local.properties file if you want to
> build from Android Studio.
> Targets are juste *release* and *debug* for now, I'll merge the Android
> TV code and make it a flavor, so we will also have an AndroidTV target
> available.
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