[Android] [PATCH] AudioBrowserFragment: focus related functional improvement

Geoffrey Métais geoffrey.metais at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 14:39:30 CEST 2014

Okay good that was exactly my question.

It seems okay for me, I wait to have your patches reformatted to test and
merge it :)

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Mik Amchislavsky <hailmikhail at gmail.com>

> Hi Geoffrey,
> Thanks for asking. Now, I see room for improvement in a subsequent patch I
> sent during the past weekend. I'll apply the improvement in a future
> contribution.
> Here, I'll address your question.
> >>> Why don't you return *true* when the KeyEvent is handled?
> Technically the dcb096606f3fd4a4a428c2ead70138eb7a644548 commit allows the
> MainActivity, onKeyDown to track the view ID with present focus within
> mFocusedPrior variable. Would the MainActivity onKeyDown event handler be
> triggered if keyListener returned true ?
> Architecturally, mFocusedPrior offers some value as an indicator of a past
> onKey event. Before MainActivity calls mRootContainer.closeDrawer if
> mFocusedPrior != 0 MainActivity transfers focus to the ActionBar.
> Regards,
> Mik
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