[Android] [PATCH 5/5] remove compile-old.sh

Thomas Guillem thomas at gllm.fr
Mon Feb 9 14:38:06 CET 2015

 compile-old.sh | 183 ---------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 183 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 compile-old.sh

diff --git a/compile-old.sh b/compile-old.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 80bb3d6..0000000
--- a/compile-old.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Read the Android Wiki http://wiki.videolan.org/AndroidCompile
-# Setup all that stuff correctly.
-# Get the latest Android SDK Platform or modify numbers in configure.sh and libvlc/default.properties.
-set -e
-if [ -z "$ANDROID_NDK" -o -z "$ANDROID_SDK" ]; then
-   echo "You must define ANDROID_NDK, ANDROID_SDK and ANDROID_ABI before starting."
-   echo "They must point to your NDK and SDK directories.\n"
-   exit 1
-if [ -z "$ANDROID_ABI" ]; then
-   echo "Please set ANDROID_ABI to your architecture."
-   exit 1
-for i in ${@}; do
-    case "$i" in
-        --fetch)
-        FETCH=1
-        ;;
-        --build)
-        BUILD=1
-        ;;
-        release|--release)
-        RELEASE=1
-        ;;
-        jni|--jni)
-        JNI=1
-        ;;
-        *)
-        ;;
-    esac
-if [ "$BUILD" = 0 -a "$FETCH" = 0 ];then
-    BUILD=1
-    FETCH=1
-# Set up ABI variables
-if [ ${ANDROID_ABI} = "x86" ] ; then
-    PATH_HOST="x86"
-elif [ ${ANDROID_ABI} = "x86_64" ] ; then
-    PATH_HOST="x86_64"
-    HAVE_64=1
-elif [ ${ANDROID_ABI} = "mips" ] ; then
-    PATH_HOST="mipsel-linux-android"
-elif [ ${ANDROID_ABI} = "arm64-v8a" ] ; then
-    PATH_HOST="aarch64-linux-android"
-    HAVE_64=1
-    PATH_HOST="arm-linux-androideabi"
-# try to detect NDK version
-REL=$(grep -o '^r[0-9]*.*' $ANDROID_NDK/RELEASE.TXT 2>/dev/null|cut -b2-)
-case "$REL" in
-    10*)
-        if [ "${HAVE_64}" = 1 ];then
-            GCCVER=4.9
-        else
-            GCCVER=4.8
-        fi
-    ;;
-    *)
-        echo "You need the NDKv10 or later"
-        exit 1
-    ;;
-# Add the NDK toolchain to the PATH, needed both for contribs and for building
-# stub libraries
-NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=`echo ${ANDROID_NDK}/toolchains/${PATH_HOST}-${GCCVER}/prebuilt/\`uname|tr A-Z a-z\`-*/bin`
-# Fetch VLC source
-if [ "$FETCH" = 1 ]
-    # 1/ libvlc, libvlccore and its plugins
-    TESTED_HASH=18e445a
-    if [ ! -d "vlc" ]; then
-        echo "VLC source not found, cloning"
-        git clone git://git.videolan.org/vlc.git vlc
-        cd vlc
-        git checkout -B android ${TESTED_HASH}
-    else
-        echo "VLC source found"
-        cd vlc
-        if ! git cat-file -e ${TESTED_HASH}; then
-            cat << EOF
-*** Error: Your vlc checkout does not contain the latest tested commit ***
-Please update your source with something like:
-cd vlc
-git reset --hard origin
-git pull origin master
-git checkout -B android ${TESTED_HASH}
-*** : This will delete any changes you made to the current branch ***
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        cd ..
-    fi
-if [ "$BUILD" = 0 ]
-    echo "Not building anything, please run $0 --build"
-    exit 0
-# Make VLC #
-echo "Configuring"
-${ANDROID_PATH}/compile-libvlc.sh $*
-# VLC android UI and specific code
-echo "Building VLC for Android"
-if [ "$JNI" = 1 ]; then
-    CLEAN="jniclean"
-    TARGET="libvlc/obj/local/${ANDROID_ABI}/libvlcjni.so"
-    CLEAN="distclean"
-    TARGET=
-# Exporting a environment script with all the necessary variables
-echo "Generating environment script."
-cat <<EOF
-This is a script that will export many of the variables used in this
-script. It will allow you to compile parts of the build without having
-to rebuild the entire build (e.g. recompile only the Java part).
-To use it, include the script into your shell, like this:
-    source env.sh
-Now, you can use this command to build the Java portion:
-    make -e
-The file will be automatically regenerated by compile.sh, so if you change
-your NDK/SDK locations or any build configurations, just re-run this
-script (sh compile.sh) and it will automatically update the file.
-echo "# This file was automatically generated by compile.sh" > env.sh
-echo "# Re-run 'sh compile.sh' to update this file." >> env.sh
-# The essentials
-cat <<EssentialsA >> env.sh
-echo "export PATH=$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH:\${ANDROID_SDK}/platform-tools:\${PATH}" >> env.sh

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