[Android] FlavorDimensions with computed versionCode

Geoffrey Métais git at videolan.org
Tue Feb 10 11:09:37 CET 2015

vlc-ports/android | branch: master | Geoffrey Métais <geoffrey.metais at gmail.com> | Mon Feb  9 15:07:06 2015 +0100| [44fa5a8e3779c275d9b00d1e49e0dbb86a8a0312] | committer: Geoffrey Métais

FlavorDimensions with computed versionCode

VersionCode automatically set according to platform (tablet/TV/Chrome) and ABI

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc-ports/android.git/?a=commit;h=44fa5a8e3779c275d9b00d1e49e0dbb86a8a0312

 vlc-android/build.gradle |   61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vlc-android/build.gradle b/vlc-android/build.gradle
index 56809cc..f8c5f77 100644
--- a/vlc-android/build.gradle
+++ b/vlc-android/build.gradle
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ android {
     compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion
     buildToolsVersion rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion
+    flavorDimensions "target", "abi"
     lintOptions {
         abortOnError false
         disable 'MissingTranslation', 'ExtraTranslation'
@@ -57,16 +59,69 @@ android {
         debug {
             applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
-        debugx86.initWith(debug)
     productFlavors {
         vanilla {
-            applicationId "org.videolan.vlc"
+            flavorDimension "target"
+            versionCode = 0
         tv {
-            applicationId "org.videolan.vlc"
             minSdkVersion 17
+            flavorDimension "target"
+            versionCode = 1
+        }
+        chrome {
+            minSdkVersion 19
+            flavorDimension "target"
+            versionCode = 2
+        }
+        ARMv5 {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 1
+        }
+        ARMv6nofpu {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 2
+        }
+        ARMv6fpu {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 3
+        }
+        ARMv7 {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 4
+        }
+        x86 {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 5
+        MIPS {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 6
+        }
+        ARMv8 {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 7
+        }
+        x86_64 {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 8
+        }
+        MIPS64 {
+            flavorDimension "abi"
+            versionCode = 9
+        }
+    }
+    // make per-variant version code
+    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
+        def manifestParser = new com.android.builder.core.DefaultManifestParser()
+        // get the version code of each flavor
+        def targetVersion = variant.productFlavors.get(0).versionCode
+        def abiVersion = variant.productFlavors.get(1).versionCode
+        // set the composite code
+        variant.mergedFlavor.versionCode = targetVersion * 10000000 + manifestParser.getVersionCode(android.sourceSets.main.manifest.srcFile) + abiVersion
     sourceSets.main {

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