[Android] [PATCH] Reduce download time for contribs for compilation process

Jérémy Carrier carrier.jerem at free.fr
Thu Feb 19 17:03:28 CET 2015


I encounter a lot of troubles since the last few days to compile libvlc 
for x86.
As the compilation process is very long, I would suggest this slight 
modification if possible.
It fetches the last commit only on each contrib repository, allowing 
faster download, and thus, faster compilation.
The following patch applies to the vlc repository.

This is my first patch-email ever, sorry if by any chance, I outbroke 
any custom.



Commit message:

Fetch the last commit only for each contrib repository.
Drop the whole commits tree.
Speed up download process.

diff --git a/contrib/src/main.mak b/contrib/src/main.mak
index fdeeba9..a3b98c0 100644
--- a/contrib/src/main.mak
+++ b/contrib/src/main.mak
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ HOSTVARS_PIC := $(HOSTTOOLS) \

  download_git = \
         rm -Rf $(@:.tar.xz=) && \
-       $(GIT) clone $(2:%=--branch %) $(1) $(@:.tar.xz=) && \
+       $(GIT) clone --depth 1 $(2:%=--branch %) $(1) $(@:.tar.xz=) && \
         (cd $(@:.tar.xz=) && $(GIT) checkout $(3:%= %)) && \
         rm -Rf $(@:%.tar.xz=%)/.git && \
         (cd $(dir $@) && \

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