[Android] [PATCH] Use callback for pauses instead of postDelayed

Edward Wang edward.c.wang at compdigitec.com
Mon Jan 12 18:13:16 CET 2015

On 2015-01-12 12:11, Alexandre Perraud <4leyx4ndre at gmail.com> wrote:
> You take the same path I took few months ago : it's still not a good 
> idea, you have audio glitch when VLC get the focus (if you switch app 
> for example).
> We discussed about that, here, and we came to the conclusion that the 
> good way to do that should be to have a function, in the core, which 
> directly launch a video on pause.

How about we merge this _for now_, with the provision that when 
something better in the core comes out, we'll use that instead?


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