[Android] UI: Modify jump to time icon

Alexandre Perraud git at videolan.org
Thu Jul 9 18:14:21 CEST 2015

vlc-ports/android | branch: master | Alexandre Perraud <4leyx4ndre at gmail.com> | Thu Jul  9 17:28:14 2015 +0200| [d8e980b304e7c314b9579d87d58997bb327743ca] | committer: Geoffrey Métais

UI: Modify jump to time icon

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc-ports/android.git/?a=commit;h=d8e980b304e7c314b9579d87d58997bb327743ca

 assets/images/svg/ic_jumpto_normal.svg             |   92 +++++++++++++++++---
 assets/images/svg/ic_jumpto_normal_w.svg           |   92 +++++++++++++++++---
 vlc-android/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_jumpto_normal.png |  Bin 955 -> 789 bytes
 .../res/drawable-hdpi/ic_jumpto_normal_w.png       |  Bin 932 -> 762 bytes
 vlc-android/res/drawable-ldpi/ic_jumpto_normal.png |  Bin 495 -> 526 bytes
 .../res/drawable-ldpi/ic_jumpto_normal_w.png       |  Bin 485 -> 524 bytes
 vlc-android/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_jumpto_normal.png |  Bin 659 -> 601 bytes
 .../res/drawable-mdpi/ic_jumpto_normal_w.png       |  Bin 648 -> 591 bytes
 .../res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_jumpto_normal.png        |  Bin 1215 -> 1066 bytes
 .../res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_jumpto_normal_w.png      |  Bin 1191 -> 1027 bytes
 10 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc-ports/android.git/?a=commitdiff;h=d8e980b304e7c314b9579d87d58997bb327743ca

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