[dvblast-devel] Analog input

Sergiy piratfm at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 21:22:52 CEST 2011

2011/7/21 NetOne - Doychin Dokov <root at net1.cc>

> Are you using tsplay directly with the /dev/videoX device, or there's
> something inbetween?
Yes, i'm using direct device, but before start streaming, i'm configure it
by pvrui.sh script (you can find this script in pvrusb2-mci drivers repo).

> Could you provide any example?

You can find patch for tsplay in attachment.
It allows continous streaming from device file descriptor. Also it adds
multicast IGMP-join messages to work correctly with cisco switches.

After you compile patched tstools and configure your hauppauge card, you may
run it:

./tsplay -h262 -bitrate 5000000 /dev/video0
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