[dvblast-devel] Compile failure on x86_64

Georgi Chorbadzhiyski gf at unixsol.org
Tue Oct 2 17:58:21 CEST 2012

Around 10/02/2012 06:14 PM, Alexei Takaseev scribbled:
>> I don't get it. You said that my patch that limited MAX_TPDU_DATA to
>> was not working but now you are saying that limiting MAX_TPDU_DATA to
>> is working, is that correct? Lets analyze why this "fix" is needed
>> before blindly
>> applying it. I think the compiler is wrong to warn (and error) on
>> this.
> Sorry my "googlenglish".
> With your patch everything compiled fine. But I did the test compile
> by changing the values ​​of -4 to -8. As a result of successful compilation
> occurred when "(MAX_TPDU_SIZE - 7)"
> Perhaps this will help you find the logical flaw, because
> of which the buffer size differs by 3 bytes to the developer expects.

Thanks, that cleared things up :) I'll try to find why the compiler insist
that there is a 3 byte overflow.

Georgi Chorbadzhiyski

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