CVS Commit: libdvbpsi

Arnaud de Bossoreille de Ribou bozo at
Thu May 9 19:01:54 CEST 2002

Real message log:

  * src/descriptors/dr_02.c: bug fix.
  * src/descriptors/dr_07.c: tag and bug fixes.
  * src/descriptors/dr_08.c: tag and bug fixes.
  * src/descriptors/dr_09.c: tag fix.
  * src/descriptors/dr_0a.c: tag fix.
  * misc/dr.xml: xml brief description of each descriptor to generate
  * misc/dr.xsl: stylesheet used to generate "misc/test_dr.c".
  * misc/dr.dtd: DTD against which misc/dr.xml validates.
  * misc/test_dr.c: generated file.
  * misc/test_dr.h: macros used by misc/test_dr.c.
  * src/descriptors/dr.h: gathers all dr_*.h headers.


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