[libdvbpsi-devel] [RFC] libdvbpsi API changes

Christophe Massiot massiot at via.ecp.fr
Sat Dec 19 19:27:59 CET 2009

Dear all,

We have been discussing the future of libdvbpsi at the VideoLAN Dev Days
with jpsaman and gatty, and we would like to propose a number of API
changes for libdvbpsi, and release them as version 1.0. The main goals
of theses changes are :

1/ To avoid breaking the API and ABI every time we add support for a new
descriptor or table.
2/ To move semantics out of libdvbpsi into the application and keep
libdvbpsi a basic table parser.
3/ To make the API more symmetrical wrt. inputs and outputs of libdvbpsi.

# Goal #2 involves a major API change and a modification of #
# applications so please keep on reading !!!                # 

1/ To avoid breaking the API and ABI at every new table, we first
propose to make a few helper functions inline, for instance :
dvbpsi_PMTESAdd(), dvbpsi_PMTAddDescriptor(), etc.
(same for other tables)

These functions only operate on local structures and are quite small ;
they have no links with the rest of libdvbpsi. IMHO they are not quite
useful since you can change the fields in the structure yourself, but
whatever. They exist and are used in the field.

For the descriptors we propose a second strategy. We define two generic
functions, whose first parameter is a descriptor type :
dvbpsi_handle dvbpsi_DecodeDescriptor( int i_descriptor_type, dvbpsi_descriptor_t * )
dvbpsi_descriptor_t *dvbpsi_GenDescriptor( int i_descriptor_type, dvbpsi_handle *p_decoded, int b_duplicate )

And then we rewrite all the descriptor-specific functions as such :
#define dvbpsi_DecodeISO639Dr(x) (dvbpsi_iso639_dr_t *)dvbpsi_DecodeDescriptor(ISO639_DR, x)
#define dvbpsi_GenISO639Dr(x, y) dvbpsi_GenDescriptor(ISO639_DR, x, y)

Note that all changes proposed in #1 are source-compatible with 0.1.6.

2/ The same problem arises with the Attach* and Detach* functions, but
more difficult to solve because they have a variable number of arguments
depending on the tables. The arguments are used to set filters on events
that you want, like a program number or a table ID.

We propose to drop this filtering support from libdvbpsi. It can
easily be done application-side, in the callback. That way, the new API
would just look like :
dvbpsi_handle dvbpsi_AttachTable(int i_table_type, dvbpsi_callback pf_callback, void *p_cb_data)
void dvbpsi_DetachTable(dvbpsi_handle h_dvbpsi, int i_table_type)

However existing applications need to be adapted to the new behaviour.
That is, you must have on top of your callback :
if (p_pmt->i_program_number != i_my_program)
    dvbpsi_DeletePMT( p_pmt );
and the equivalent for other tables.

Also at the same time I'd like to drop the check on the version of the
tables. In my experience there are many cases where the table is changed
and the version_number isn't. I know it isn't compliant, but we have to
deal with this case. So if you want the old behaviour you'd have to add
on top of the callback :
if (p_pmt->i_version == i_previous_version)
    dvbpsi_DeletePMT( p_pmt );

Again, this proposed change is NOT source-compatible with 0.1.6.

3/ All application projects duplicate the same lines of code, generally
called "WritePSISection", to split a PSI section into transport stream
packets. Since libdvbpsi's input is TS packets, it seems logical to be
able to output TS packets. We therefore propose to add an extra API that
would look like :

int dvbpsi_HowManyTSBuffers(dvbpsi_section_t *)
(merely returns (size + 183) / 184)
int dvbpsi_GenTS( uint8_t *pp_ts_buffers[], int i_nb_buffers,
dvbpsi_section_t *, uint16_t i_pid, uint8_t *pi_cc )

This change is source-compatible with 0.1.6 because it only adds new

Conclusions :
If you have a great idea, or a strong opposition to the ideas presented
here, please share.

Kind hugs to everybody,
Christophe Massiot.

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