[libdvbpsi-devel] API update

Jean-Paul Saman jpsaman at videolan.org
Thu May 3 13:30:02 CEST 2012

Libdvbpsi warns about deprecated API's since the v0.2.0 release. It
was my intention to release an 1.0 version shortly after releasing
v0.2.0. However reality decided otherwise. I fell in the classical
trap of 'O, I can clean this up" and "this needs to be done too" and
before you know it, considerable time has passed.

All this time I kept the changes private not willing to give something
to others, which was not ready in my eyes. I am still not entirely
happy yet, with what has been put in the official git repository but
it is getting there.

Almost one year ago I started cleaning up libdvbpsi with the intention
to unify the API (especially the order of arguments, et al), being
stricter with argument types, simplifying some internal structures,
removing printf's (replaced them with a callback). As a result all
applications that use libdvbpsi to parse DVB PSI tables need to
update. Under libdvbpsi/doc there is a document that helps you with
this task "howto-new-api.doxygen".

The code is availabe in git.videolan.org/libdvbpsi.git.
Try it out and give me feedback.

Kind regards,

Jean-Paul Saman.

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