[PATCH] CSS title key cache

Adam Jones adam at yggdrasl.demon.co.uk
Sat Jul 6 16:37:29 CEST 2002

Hi all.

Here's an updated version of the key cache patch, using Hkan's fixed
code for insertion at the head of the key list.  It should hopefully
apply against the current CVS version.

(Is anonymous access to the CVS server available, out of interest?  It
 might make it a little easier to be sure patches are valid.)
Adam Jones (adam at yggdrasl.demon.co.uk)(http://www.yggdrasl.demon.co.uk/)
.oO("It's nice to know we server some purpose in life."                )
PGP public key: http://www.yggdrasl.demon.co.uk/pubkey.asc
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