[mpris] [RFC] MPRIS2 Release Candidate

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Tue Aug 10 19:58:41 CEST 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:25 PM, Mirsal Ennaime
<mirsal.ennaime at gmail.com> wrote:
>> - i wonder how scalabale the playlist stuff is. i.e. does it always make
>>  sense to send the list of playlist in a single msg? If there's a
>>  substantial amount of playlists (and there might very likely be as
>>  most music on the internet ship with an .m3u or .pls file). I think
>>  this needs some logic to allow splitting up requests and responses
>>  into chunks, so that multiple small messages may be sent instead of a
>>  single big one.
>> - Why is there no signal that notifies about added/removed playlists?
> Multiple playlists support is going out of the spec, people who need
> this (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu) will use an extension to the
> spec living on a separate interface.

I meant to reply to this as well. My biggest gripe with the multiple
playlist idea is that no one seem to have any sort of usecase for it.
But now you've provided one.

That said looking at the
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu#Playlist%20submenu it does appear
they are looking for a collection manager type API (they want a list
of possible playlists, not currently open playlists in a tabbed
interface) and it is clearly out of scope for MPRIS. Seems like the
Rygel folks might have a better solution for the infamous sound menu.


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