[streaming] Re: DVB ASI Interface for VideoLAN server

Damien LUCAS nitrox at videolan.org
Tue Jun 3 12:28:03 CEST 2003

Jens Thomsen wrote:
> How does one go about adding a new output interface to vls?  I would 
> like to create an ASI output modules, but I can't figure out were to put 
> it in the source code. Also does vls output true, raw Transport Streams?

Yes, vls outputs a completely compliant MPEG2-TS stream.

What you may want to do is to write a DVB-ASI output (channel).
Currently VLS has two different channel types:
	-file channel   (src/modules/filechannel/)
	-network channel (src/modules/netchannel/)

So, you may have a look at those parts of the code and write a 'dvb ASI 

If you have any more specific questions. Don't hesitate to ask us.



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