[streaming] Re: Telnet session and PERL script

Jean-Paul Saman saman at natlab.research.philips.com
Wed Jun 4 13:06:43 CEST 2003

> Thank you !
> I know how to save a captured video with kfir-card... But, the device is
> already used to stream on the local network and when I want to save, the
> system answers that the device is used...

Why don't you save to a file first and stream from the file ?

Kind greetings,

Jean-Paul Saman

Software Architect

e-mail (work): saman at natlab.research.philips.com
phone  (work): 040 27 42674
Ordina TA,
Science Park Eindhoven 5602, Postbus 293, 5600 AG Eindhoven
e-mail : jean-paul.saman at ordina.nl
phone  : 040 2601200
fax    : 040 2601199

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