[streaming] digital copyright protection

Reini Urban r.urban at inode.at
Fri Jun 6 10:51:14 CEST 2003

Anyone thought about implementing digital copyright protection into the 
MPEG-TS stream as stated in
(DTCP extendable descriptors embedded in the data stream)
This scheme is mainly for major hardware manufacturers (toshiba, 
panasonix, sony, intel, ...) but a software only solution would be easier.

We are internet service provider and want to use VLS/VLS as pay-per-view 
solution. The major hollywood studios make troubles because of fear of 
unauthorized recording and re-distributions.
Having the server and client sources would make it relatively easy to 
add such a scheme.
And maybe persuade the studios to get the current theatrical releases 
before DVD release.
Reini Urban - Entwicklung - http://inode.at

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