[streaming] Re: digital copyright protection

Miguel Barreiro Paz enano at fi.udc.es
Fri Jun 6 15:21:25 CEST 2003

> > One would just need some kind of SIP protocol in front of VLS/VLC to do
> > the authentification, format handling (if one needs that) and to start
> > the RTP interaction on some UDP port. Or just on 1234 unicast or
> > multicast as now.
> But nothing would prevent the user from using the demuxdump demux and
> record the stream.

Instead, you could provide a custom video codec that's in fact a standard
codec wrapped into a stream decryption layer. You can capture the input
stream, but it will be encrypted and you will still need the credentials
to play it. Or you can capture the raw YUV codec output, of course - but
what can you do with that, re-encode it? Not too practical - it would be
equivalent to developing a hacked X server that captures putpixel
operations, or recording the monitor in VHS tape and then encoding the
raw video :)

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