[streaming] Re: system requirements+stream terrestial TV

Jean-Paul Saman jpsaman at wxs.nl
Mon Jun 9 13:49:56 CEST 2003

Christoph Hörth wrote:
>>Over WLAN there is another limitation. The receiving should be capable 
>>of decoding a MPEG4 which requires of course more CPU horsepower then 
>>plain MPEG2.
> How much horsepower do the clients need exactly to decode the MPEG4 Stream?
> Is there a kind of processor  that is specially usefull to do this 
> de-/encoding stuff. Is a Intel better than a Athlon for Video de-/encoding?
> Can I stream simultaneously different channels?

How much CPU is required is hard to tell. It largely depends on the 
video size (h/w in pixels), the decoding type (MPEG2/4), the used 
bitrate of the streaming video and if hw overlays off the video card can 
be used.

I was mainly referring to PDA (like Intel StrongArm1100 or XScale) as 
used in iPaq's. The 206Mhz StrongArm1100 types are not so good in doing 
large sized video's and Mpeg4. The 400Mhz will do better at this.

If the device has hardware that does the decoding, then the CPU does not 
have to be that fast.

> Can I switch the channels from a client?
Only from telnet in vls.

Jean-Paul Saman.

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