[streaming] VLS and BT878. Bad Capture.

Javier Martinez jamarno at doctor.upv.es
Mon Jun 16 09:41:16 CEST 2003

Hi all,

We are using VLS in order to stream MPEG4 video with an adquisition card.
Our video signal must be transmitted with these parameters:
   Size: CIF   FPS: 25  
But when we put this config into VLS the movement on the screen does not 
seem continously. There are not regular transitions in the movement.

We have tried to capture directly with 'xawtv' and the behaviour is the 
same. We think that our card is not able to adquire video at 25FPS and 
size CIF.

The adquisition Card is an AverMedia AverTV 203 with BT878.

Does anyone know a better adquisition card supported with this software? 
What are the results?
Is Pinnacle DC10+ supported to stream MPEG4 video with VLS?

Please send us your experinces. Thanks in advance,
     Javier Martínez

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