[streaming] can't stream

Alexandr Vysotsky atomic at ipclub.dp.ua
Mon Jun 16 14:15:24 CEST 2003


Please, help!
Can't stream a file.
Some error messages, and nothing works.

vls -vv -d udp: file:padal.avi
(with other files the same story)


2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "channel:file" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "channel:network" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:file" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegconverter:ts2ts" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegconverter:ps2ts" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:local" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:video" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "."
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "/usr/local/lib/videolan/vls"
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:dvd" registered
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Channel 'output1' created
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Starting input 'input1'
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/input1]  Added program 'program1'
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Input 'input1' sucessfully initialised
2003-06-16 15:11:44 [INFO/Vls]  Executing command1 : 'start program1 output1 input1 '

Waiting, waiting, but nothing...

2003-06-16 15:12:48 [WARN/Vls]  Received SIGINT: Interrupt from keyboard, launching shutdown sequence...
2003-06-16 15:12:48 [INFO/Vls]  Telnet server stopped
2003-06-16 15:12:48 [WARN/Vls]  Received SIGINT: Interrupt from keyboard, launching shutdown sequence...
2003-06-16 15:12:48 [WARN/Vls]  Received SIGINT: Interrupt from keyboard, launching shutdown sequence...
2003-06-16 15:12:48 [WARN/Vls]  Received SIGINT: Interrupt from keyboard, launching shutdown sequence...
2003-06-16 15:12:49 [INFO/Vls]  Stopping the manager
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Manager stopped
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Destroying administrator module
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Shutdowning all the opened sessions...
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [ERROR/Vls]  Error during telnet server destruction:
Error: Socket could not be closed properly: Bad file descriptor
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Destroying manager module
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Destroying the manager
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Input input1 correctly stopped
2003-06-16 15:13:04 [INFO/Vls]  Manager destroyed

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