[streaming] Unable to stream DVD on VLS/Windows -- Unsupported?

Rett Walters rettw at rtwnetwork.com
Thu Jun 26 18:27:15 CEST 2003

I get the following Error when attempting to use VLS 0.5.3 for Win32 on an XP Pro
box for streaming a DVD from the DVD Drive:

C:\Program Files\VLS>vls -vv -d udp: dvd:D: --ttl 1
VideoLAN Server v 0.5.3 (Jun  6 2003) - (c)1999-2003 VideoLAN
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "channel:file" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "channel:network" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:file" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegconverter:ts2ts" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegconverter:ps2ts" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:local" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:video" registered
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "."
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "C:\vls"
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Channel 'output1' created
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Starting input 'input1'
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/input1]  Added program 'program1'
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Input 'input1' sucessfully initialised
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Telnet server initialised
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [INFO/Vls]  Executing command1 : 'start program1 output1 inp
ut1 '
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [ERROR/input1]  Unable to start program program1
2003-06-26 10:44:50 [ERROR/input1]  Error: Module mpegreader:ps2ts not present

Is streaming from DVD not supported Win32?  Is there someother piece of software
that I need to install?

Please Advise,

Rett Walters

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