[streaming] Re: Streaming performance

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Fri Oct 17 21:35:33 CEST 2003

Anders Bøje Larsen wrote:

>I'm using a PVR350 to stream from a linux machine to a windows machine. It
>all works fine, but the video is slightly jerky. I've noticed that data
>from the card is transferred to VLS via the HD, and that could explain the
>performance problems.
>Is there a way to set up the system to transfer data from the card, to VLS
>via memory? And why is it that the HD is used as transfer medium?
>I've asked this question in the IVTV forum, because I thought that it was
>the IVTV driver, that delivered data this way. I was told that the driver
>could deliver data via memory, and that it is a VLS issue ????
>It's a redhat9 dist. on a 800 MHz machine, with 500 megs of ram.
>While streaming, I'm using about 20%cpu time, and about 50% ram.
20 % CPU and 50 $ RAM ??? That is quite a lot for streaming from a PVR 
encoder card.  Could you send the log from vls to this list, maybe it 
might tell us more what is going on. It looks like vls is 
transcoding/encoding the video instead of your PVR card. AFAIK the 
PVR350 encodes the stream itself into MPEG2-PS.

Jean-Paul Saman.

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