[streaming] Re: trickplay and streaming of h264 files

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Wed Aug 18 17:50:30 CEST 2004

Hussain Ali Pardawalla wrote:

>I would be grateful if someone could help me out with the following problems/clarifications.
No problemo ;-)

>1. There is a trickplay option in vls, with the default setting being "normal". What options/features does this setting enable? Also what other settings are there besides "normal" and what are their features.
The "normal" trickplay option only does start, stop, pause and resume. 
More functionality isn't available in this mode. From the trickplay 
point of view this is the backwards compatibility mode. Unfortunately it 
is also the only trickplay module. So if you want to implement another 
trickplay policy  you will have to write your own trickplay module.

>2. From the mailing archives and the FAQ's , it seems that Video on Demand using VLS as a server is only possible if a 3rd party RTSP server is setup or an http server is used. However it seems that the trick play option enables one to forward, start, stop, pause and rewind movies. Is it not possible to allow users to use these feautures through VLC, or is the trickplay option only intended for the server administrators benefits? 
If you want users to benefit from VCR like options, then you need a 
mechanism for them to control their stream. Most people use RTSP for 
this. Suppose you use that then you need an additonal RTSP server that 
communicates with the user and the VLS server for performing the trickplay.

>3. If multiple video streams are being sent to one client using VLS, how does one use VLC to determine what video files are being streamed? On a side note, I managed to get this done by streaming videos to different ports but to the same client (i.e. ip address), using unicast. I was unable to figure out how to let VLC see what files were being streamed, and to choose from the available ones.  I had to manually specify the ports to check if my videos were being streamed.
Usually for this RTSP and SDP or SAP is used. With SDP and SAP you can 
let a user choose for instance from a webpage which file to stream.

>4. There seems to be an experimental x264 library. If I downloaded and compiled that library, would I need to re-compile VLS and VLC to use them. Up till now I have been unsucessful in being able to play h264/avc files using VLC. I tried going to the following url: http://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk to download the files, but it seems the page does not exists. Can someone please provide me with the correct address, or is this only available to developers only at the moment? 
For VLC that is a defenite yes. I don't think VLS supports x264 at the 

If the page doesn't exitst then that is a bug and I am sure one of the 
VideoLAN adminstrators/developers is fixing this as soon as possible. 
You are at the right address for the x264 library.


Many greetings,
Jean-Paul Saman

VLC iPAQ maintainer                    http://www.videolan.org
RedHat Certified Engineer         RHCE number: 807202745005548

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