[streaming] Re: multicasting to non vlc

Paul Rae PRae at aminocom.com
Fri Mar 5 17:28:48 CET 2004

Unfortonatly you will not be able to multicast the streams over the net(well not 100% true unless you are a isp / provider / etc ... and you want to provide content to you customers). You will have to unicast out to specific clients or look at the http streaming options.

I don't use wmp myself, but I don't think it supports udp multicasting out the box anyway and requires external codecs???

-----Original Message-----
From: streaming-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org] On Behalf Of Jorge Boscán Etura
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 10:44 AM
To: streaming at videolan.org
Subject: [streaming] multicasting to non vlc

salut aux tous les streamers!!

I would like to know howto stream a v4l output to wmp clients using
multicast over the internet, I need the precise command line (server)

and the url at the client if possible mes amis.

the object is to multicast the fac tv station.

Merci bien..

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