[streaming] Re: vls for live stream (IEEE1394)

kylee kylee at netmedia.kjist.ac.kr
Mon Mar 8 13:58:31 CET 2004

It might be a trivial thing, but I want to contribute my work to VLS.
Please let me know what to do for VLS contribution about my job. 
This site(htt://netmedia.kjist.ac.kr/hdtv) let you know what I have done
for VLS.

KiYoung Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: streaming-bounce at videolan.org
[mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin PRACHT
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 10:11 PM
To: streaming at videolan.org
Subject: [streaming] Re: vls for live stream (IEEE1394)

Thanks a lot for you patch, which seems very interesting. (although I do
not personaly have any device to test it ;-)

$(echo "BigBen")

Oui je quote, et alors ?

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