[streaming] Re: [vlc] vey spesific problem...

Laurent Aimar fenrir at via.ecp.fr
Fri Mar 19 12:34:24 CET 2004

On Fri, Mar 19, 2004, Manos Moschous wrote:
> could anybody please give me an answer...?
> Thanks in advance!!!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vlc-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:vlc-bounce at videolan.org]On Behalf
> Of Manos Moschous
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:21 PM
> Subject: [vlc] vey spesific problem...
> Hi,
> I am using vlc for a long time transcoding streaming media in order to be
> compatible (with lower bandwidth, lower window, etc) for mobile
> devices(mobile phones, Pocket PC's, etc...)
> So, for example i am doing:
> C:\vlc>vlc -vvv mms://raisport/lala.asf :sout=#transcode{width=14
> 0,height=150,vcodec=DIV3,vb=100,acodec=mp3,ab=96,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=s
> td{a
> ccess=mmsh,mux=asfh,url=ip:port/low.asf}}
> when i try to play the new transcoded streaming media from a WMP9(from my
> Desctop PC) everything is fine.
> Below are the headers of request and the response headers of vlc
> The problem i have is when i am trying to access the transcoded streaming
> media from my mobile device MPX-200 (motorola) which has media player 8
> Below are the headers of request and the response headers of vlc

> The answer of vlc (see above response headers) looks to be right but the
> media player doesnt play the streaming media. I tried many times with
> different streaming media broadcasted with vlc but...nothing
> Something you have to know is that the media player 8 of the mobile can play
> the initial(source) streaming media (for example mms://raisport/lala.asf)
> which is streamed from this channel.
> could you please help me...???

 Could you try without audio ? (append --noaudio) on the server side ?
If it works, it means that wmp8 doesn't like .mp3 and I don't know
any solution.


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