[streaming] Re: VideoLAN

Bill Eldridge bill at rfa.org
Sat Mar 20 20:26:24 CET 2004

Benjamin PRACHT wrote:
> First of all, be aware that this is an english speaking mailing list. 
> About your  application, VideoLAN is  totally designed for this  kind of
> use. In  faxt, it was  initially done for this.  A 100 Mbit/s  should be
> enough to stream a few channels, if you network supports multicast.
> About the server caracteristics, I would advise to use Haupaugge PVR 250
> encoding cards. One card per channel will be required.

A while ago there was some work on multicast so
that you could subscribe by port? and not have to
receive all of the channels. Can someone describe
what kind of bandwidth savings/features the most
recent VLS has and what platforms it's implemented


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