[streaming] Re: [vlc] Re: concurrent users

Jechiam Gural gural at noterik.nl
Mon Mar 22 08:42:29 CET 2004

Can you elaborate on this...

I'm looking at a solution in which for example 5 concurrent users could see 
a MPEG-2  4 Mbps TS or PS streams from a intranetserver for up to two or 
three hours. Is the VLC or VLS the best way to go in terms of reliability. 
Any data with respect to limitation of concurrent use a number of hours 
possible to stream with VideoLan are welcome.



At 12:42 AM 3/22/2004 +0100, Benjamin PRACHT wrote:
>I presume you are talking about vlc acting as a streamer...
>Well, VLC has only be able to stream several stream at the same time for
>a very short time, using the so called "telnet interface"
>I don't think any benchmark has been done yet...
>$(echo "BigBen")
>Oui je quote, et alors ?
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