[streaming] FW: vlc codecs(Windows media Video V8)...

Manos Moschous moschous at ics.forth.gr
Wed Mar 24 10:30:46 CET 2004

i would appreciate that if anybody could help me about it...?

Thanks in advance!!!

Manos Moschous
-----Original Message-----
From: streaming-bounce at videolan.org
[mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org]On Behalf Of Manos Moschous
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:10 PM
Subject: [streaming] vlc codecs(Windows media Video V8)...

Hi, i would like to know if am i able to use any other codec(except DIV3 or
WMV1,2) in order to transcode an mms stream.

for example:
	vlc -vvv mms://ip:port/high.asf :sout=#transcode{vcodec=DIV3

I would like to use Windows media Video V8(codec).Is it possible..?
I want the transcoded stream be playable by WMP8(for the motorola MPX-200
mobile phone)

could anybody please help me..?
Thanks in advance!!

Manos Moschous

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