[streaming] Re: Number of clients

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Sun Mar 28 16:24:35 CEST 2004

Benjamin PRACHT wrote:

>On Sun, Mar 28, 2004, sks at analog.tenet.res.in wrote :
>>How many clients can connect to a VLS Linux server at a time.
>If  you're doing  multicast, this  has  no importance,  the server  even
>doesn't know  how many  clients they  are, and the  stream is  only sent
>once.  If  doing  unicast,  the  limit will  certainly  be  the  network
>interface bandwidth.
The network is not always the limit when doing unicast. If streaming 
from a HD then your limit will be between 10-12 streams (of 4Mbps) at 
the same time. But only if you have a fairly recent HD (no more then 2 
years old).


Many greetings,
Jean-Paul Saman

VLC iPAQ maintainer                    http://www.videolan.org
RedHat Certified Engineer         RHCE number: 807202745005548

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