[streaming] Re: QoS features of vlc related to streaming

Benjamin Pracht bigben+spam at videolan.org
Thu Apr 7 00:58:20 CEST 2005

On Thu, Apr 07, 2005, Neil Miles (LA/ETH) wrote :
> Hi,
> We are hoping to make use of vlc in demos to customers with our Ethernet DSL solution. I have a few questions about QoS aspects of vlc. I have only just started looking at streaming video technology so please forgive my ignorance ;)
> I have looked through the forums and streaming HOWTO but haven't found a total answer to the following questions:
> 1) I am interested mainly in MPEG2/4 codecs with MPEG-TS. In the features part of the streaming web page(http://www.videolan.org/streaming/features.html) it seems to suggest that only RAW works with RTP (which is needed for QoS as far as I understand). Perhaps I misunderstand and that MPEG-TS can also encapsulate RTP, if this is true does vlc support this.

Yes, is is valid to stream MPEG encapsulated in TS over RTP. VLC should
be able to read such streams (at least the developpment version).
However, this feature is at least "exprimental" ;)

> 2) If the above is true will vlc client be able to recieve a MPEG2/4 stream and decode with QoS, ie not losing any information even if network is quite loaded?

There will be artefacts if not all that packets reach the client. In the
case of video streaming, no send retry is possible. So, it will be the
role of your QoS mecanism to ensure an as low as possible packet loss. I
don't thing VLC features any interaction layer with such a QoS system.
It should however be possible to write such a module.

> 3) I have noticed some discussion about Kasenna products such media base, can vlc interwork well with this product?

Well, thedj will certainly answer better as me. If I've understood
correctly, VLC should interact with some of Kasenna products. However,
they these tend to be highly ininteroperable, and make massive use of
proprietary protocols or protocol extensions.

> Before you ask this will definately only be a demo, not commercial product at present, if only due to the patent issues. I realize that Ericsson as a company is certainly for software patents at a corporate level, but we certainly do take part in Open source projects and use GPL code in some of our telecom server products and I personally of course support open source.

Well, this duality is present in most of big software companies. Juridic
departments don't realize that, to a certain extent, promoting software
patents is firing a bullet in ther own foot.


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