[streaming] Re: support for 3GPP AMR Audio

Benjamin Pracht bigben+spam at videolan.org
Mon Apr 11 18:35:33 CEST 2005

On Mon, Apr 11, 2005, Torben Knerr wrote :
> will there be support to decode and encode AMR-NB and AMR-WB Audio
> (Adaptive Multi Rate - Narrow/Wide Band), which recommended as an audio
> codec for streaming to mobile phones by 3GPP, in future versions of vlc?

VLC can encode in AMR, but you'll have to link against a self compiled
version of ffmpeg for that. ffmpeg has support for AMR, but using a 3rd
party library whose license is quite unclear (and then not included in
VLC's bibary releases).

> i'm also wondering if the mp4 format encoded by ffmpeg is 3GPP compliant,
> since 3GPP recommends iso-mpeg4 file format. is there a big difference 
> between them?

Are you talking about the codec or the muxing format here ? ffmpeg
should be mpeg4-iso compliant, although there is no guranty oif this
fact (if you find a something offending the norm in a ffmpeg generated
mpeg4 video, tell them, I guess they'll be happy of such a bug report). 

If you're talking about the muxing format, VLC is not using ffmpeg's
muxer, but it's owns. I don't know the axact state of VLC's mp4 muxer as
compared to the norm, but I only know that most applications able to
read .mp4 files are quite happy with VLC's generated files.

> i haven't had the opportunity to test vlc encoded mp4 on a phone, but i 
> think (hope!)
> it will play as well...

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