[streaming] mini-sapserver SAP bug; HDTV and firewire support for VLS

William F. Maton Sotomayor wmaton at ryouko.imsb.nrc.ca
Wed Apr 13 18:31:12 CEST 2005

Hi All,

 	As usual, kudos for a very cool suite of applications.  This stuff 
really rocks.

 	Now, I'm aware that mini-sapserver seems to be in limbo right now, 
however, I was using it the other day and discovered that its 
announcements (or SAP messages) aren't like by our routers.  According to 
the router I am using, I receive the following messages in the debug 

Apr 13 12:25:16.392: SDR: Announcement from to
 			on Vlan503, 204 bytes
Apr 13 12:25:16.392: SD: Bad format, can't find =
Apr 13 12:25:16.392: SD: Bad format warning: can't find the following
 			required fields: Name Owner Time Version

The message has been slightly reformatted for better reading.  The host is running mini-sapserver and sending this:

vlc 205# ./sapserver -s -f /usr/local/etc/sap.cfg
miniSAPserver Version 0.2.4 - (c)1999-2004 VideoLAN

+ Parsing configuration file
+ 1 programs loaded
+ Packet TTL set to 255
+ Running as program.
+ Using IPv4
o=videolan 3247692199 3247895918 IN IP4 vlc.nrc.ca
s=NRC Channel 1
t=0 0
m=video 2820 udp 33
c=IN IP4
a=tool:miniSAPserver 0.2.4

Here's the config I used:

# IPv4 example
name=NRC Channel 1   # Name of the program (as will show up in the VLC 
user=videolan # Name of the streaming entity
machine=vlc.nrc.ca # Name of the streaming machine
#site=www.nrc.ca # Site of the streaming entity
address= # Multicast IP address of the program
port=2820 # UDP Port
program_ttl=64 # TTL for this program (15 is the default value)
program_ipversion=4 # 4 or 6 (4 is the default value)


It's hard to say if the router debug message is generic, or if it really 
means that some key info is missing.  But it seems there's something 
either malformed or missing.

 	(I can try and track it down if people here believe it is 
worthwhile...yes, the code seems a bit ugly.)

 	Secondly, a friend forwarded the following URL for getting VLS to 
function with IEEE 1394 HDV input:


 	Maybe VLS is going the way of mini-sapserver, or maybe not...in 
any case, maybe there is something at that website that could be 
incorporated into VLC, FWIW.



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