[streaming] Re: edje

Paul Rae PRae at aminocom.com
Wed Apr 20 15:32:41 CEST 2005

I may be mistaken, but i thought Adtec's products were mpeg2 complient and produce standard mpeg2-ts streams?

I certainly dont recall us adding any specific support for them, and in the past recall some customers using vlc against their products.

-----Original Message-----
From: streaming-bounce at videolan.org
[mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org]On Behalf Of Benjamin Pracht
Sent: 20 April 2005 14:26
To: streaming at videolan.org
Subject: [streaming] Re: edje

On Wed, Apr 20, 2005, Mindaugas Musnikas wrote :

> Hello,
> we want to use VLC as a client for our video multicasting service.
> The multicast stream is provided in two ways: by using "edje-3050"
> box or by using Dektec's DTA-120 ASI card. Both devices encapsulates
> the same MPEG-2 stream into IP packets and multicasts this stream.
> MPEG-2 stream is produced by professional MPEG-2 encoders. VLC
> palyer correctly decodes multicast stream generated by DTA-120 ASI
> card. Unsucessfully the stream from "edje-3050" can not be correctly
> decoded. We contacted edje support, but they recommended to use
> hardware IP set-top-boxes arguing that VLC can not correctly handle
> some headers added by edje-3050. Is it true?. Maybe there are some
> settings in VLC to solve this problem? IP set-top-boxes like Amino
> decodes both streams correctly. Thank tou in advance.

As I'm not sure anybody here knows anything about edje-3050 boxes, more
info on what headers exactly would help... 


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