[streaming] Re: RTCP Server Implementation using live.com

list at scttransport.dk list at scttransport.dk
Thu Apr 28 12:24:24 CEST 2005

> Hello,
> RTCP Server support has been requested several times
> to accomplish QoS and adaptive bandwith switching.
> According to Ross Finlayson from live.com this would be
> done automatically once the live.com library will be used on
> server side. see
> (http://www.via.ecp.fr/via/ml/streaming/2005-04/msg00041.html)
> since this is commonly requested feature, i wonder if some of
> the developers are concerned with this. would it be a big deal
> to implement live.com libs on server side?
> Can we expect to have RTCP support soon?
Although I myself is no a vlc developer I have asked the same question and
therefore know the answer. Acording to gildas bazin the reason why vlc do
not use the live.com implementation of rtsp for serverside is that it would
require vlc to rewrite a significant part of all of the live.com code (I
think that was what needed to be re-coded)

So atm it doesn't look like vlc will use live.com anytime soon, so do not
get your hopes up for RTCP in the nearest future.

If what I stated is flawed feel free to correct me gildas :)

Jonas Larsen
Freetime vlc supporter :P

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