[streaming] Re: how do you display the shoutcast title info?

james manoflinux at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 07:52:29 CEST 2005

have you ever used the web interface to vlc?
I am trying to make an active desktop friendly index page for it. so I can 
control vlc by clicking on buttons on my desktop.

On 7/2/05, list at scttransport.dk <list at scttransport.dk> wrote:
>  LOL
>  I have no clue what you are talking about bro, but glad its working for 
> ya J
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* streaming-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:
> streaming-bounce at videolan.org] *On Behalf Of *james
> *Sent:* 2. juli 2005 23:34
> *To:* streaming at videolan.org
> *Subject:* [streaming] Re: how do you display the shoutcast title info?
>  well I found a work around.
> I have been wanting to play around with web interface anyway so I found a 
> work aroud that actually is pretty cool. for 1 line of html.
> I a way to show the current song playing on the web interface for 
> shoutcast servers. it also displays the current server info. 
> I added a line to index.html in the http directory
> <table>
> <vlc id="rpn" param1="0"/>
> <vlc id="foreach" param1="pl" param2="playlist" />
> <tr class="<vlc id="if" param1="pl.index 2 % 0 =" 
> />ligne1<vlc id="else" />ligne2<vlc id="end" />">
> <td>
> <input type="checkbox" name="item" value="<vlc 
> id="value" param1="pl.index" />"/>
> <vlc id="if" param1="pl.current" />
> <strong>
> <vlc id="end" />
> <a href="?control=play&amp;item=<vlc id="value" 
> param1="pl.index" />">
> <vlc id="value" param1="pl.index" /> - <vlc id="value" 
> param1="pl.uri" /><vlc id="if" param1="pl.uri value pl.name<http://pl.name>value strcmp"/> 
> (<vlc id="value" param1="pl.name <http://pl.name>" />)<vlc id="end"/></a>
> <vlc id="if" param1="pl.current" />
> </strong>
> <iframe src="<vlc id="value" param1="pl.uri" />" 
> name="<vlc id="value" param1="pl.uri" />" width="425" height="500" 
> scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" scrollbars="yes" 
> id="bassdrive"></iframe><br>
> <vlc id="end" />
> </td>
> </tr>
> <vlc id="rpn" param1="1 +"/>
> <vlc id="end" />
> <vlc id="if" param1="0 ="/>
> <tr class="ligne1">
> <td>empty playlist</td>
> </tr>
> <vlc id="end"/>
> </table>
> I you might want to play with refresh tag as well.
> start "reggea" /min D:\vlc\vlc-0.8.0\vlc.exe --loop --volume 30 
> http://instert address of favorite shoutcast server/
> is a great way to see if the internet has come back up. when you hear 
> music 
> you know you are back online.
>  On 7/2/05, *list at scttransport.dk* <list at scttransport.dk> wrote: 
> Hi james
>  I mainly listen to radio station Music 1. For me the title fo the song 
> the "now playing" field is always displayed at the bottom of the vlc player 
> (wxwindows interface)
>  The problem is most likely that the skin u are using don't show the now 
> playing field, I believe the default skins2 skin don't show it.
>  So try to change to another skin or try the wxwin interface and see if 
> its then displayed, if it is, it's a problem with the skin.
>  Let us know how it goes.
>  Cheers
> Jonas Larsen
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* streaming-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org] 
> *On Behalf Of *james
> *Sent:* 2. juli 2005 15:30
> *To:* streaming at videolan.org
> *Subject:* [streaming] how do you display the shoutcast title info?
>  when I stream a server in winamp I can see the song thats playing. in vlc 
> all I get is the url. how can I make it display it? is there a way to do it 
> in the web interface? the telnet interace?
> I looked on the vlc page but didnt find it.
> Its little things like this that keep me from switching to vlc completely.
> Its the most useful media player around, most configurable, wish it had 
> more skins, but that will just take time. 
> if someone would make an interface that used winamp skins that problem 
> would be solved. even if its just classic winamp skins, there are hundreds 
> of those.
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