[streaming] Re: Bug in miniSAP

Rémi Denis-Courmont courmisch at via.ecp.fr
Tue Jul 5 17:25:38 CEST 2005


Le Mardi 5 Juillet 2005 00:37, Vincent Bernat a écrit :
> I don't know if  it is a known bug, but the  following line in
> miniSAP server actual code makes that  only one announce is taken
> into account by a recent VLC for a given server :
>     string o="o="+p->GetUser()+" 3247692199 3247895918 IN IP4 "+
>                                  p->GetMachine()+"\n";
> The first number is the session  number and should be dependent of
> the program/channel. The second number  is the version and should
> increase at each update.

AFAIK, this bug was fixed some time ago in the development version. I've 
put a snapshot here :


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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