[streaming] Re: VLC RPM

Torsten Spindler spindler at hbt.arch.ethz.ch
Thu Jul 7 07:00:46 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 06:06, prasadbgr wrote:
>        Can anybody tell me how to enable dvb option while installing VLC 
> rpm.
>     Is it possible to do..............

If you don't mind rebuilding the rpm, it's not that hard. You need to do
the following steps:

1) Get the vlc source rpm you want to use, either the official one or
the one at http://dag.wieers.com/packages/videolan-client/ which is

2) You really want to build RPMS as a user, so create a file called
'.rpmmacros' with an entry like
%_topdir /home/spindler/Work/redhat
You should replace the directory with the one you want to store your

2.5) Setup directory structure inside redhat
./RPMS/i386 (replace with your architecture)

3) Install the src.rpm with rpm -ivh videolan...src.rpm. This will place
the spec file and sources somewhere below %_topdir

4) Go to the spec file in %_topdir/SPECS and add the dvb configuring
option below %configure

5) Build rpm with 
rpmbuild -bb videolan-client.spec

6) If it doesn't fail, an rpm is stored in %_topdir/RPMS/{arch}/, just
read the output of rpmbuild

Good luck!

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