[streaming] Re: PVR-350 card

Benjamin Pracht bigben+spam at videolan.org
Wed Nov 2 14:47:05 CET 2005

On Wed, Nov 02, 2005, prasadbgr at multitech.co.in wrote :
> Hi All,
>    I am using Hauppage PVR 350 card for live streaming.I came to know that
> the driver for happage pvr 350 card is ivtv driver.
>   I installed this driver and /dev/video0 was created in the /dev
> directory and also showing the correct information about the card in the
> dmesg.
>   As I know vlc doesn't tune the frequency for tv out cards (pvr 350 cards).

Well, it should, using the --pvr-frequency option...

>   So I used tvtime player to tune to the particular frequency. But it was
> giving an error ivtv:Invalid argument and cannot capture /dev/vide0.
>   Then I treid with Mythtv but I failed to setup properly.
>   Please can anybody help about this problem. And also can it be possble
> to tune the card in tvtime application..
>   Can I know the correct installation of Mythtv...

Well, we cannot really help you without any further info. You fist check
if you have the right to write on the device...


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