[streaming] Re: DVB channel multicasted using RTSP

Honorius Galmeanu honorius.galmeanu at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 12:09:39 CET 2005

> >   Some one correct me if i'm wrong - but multicast and RTSP doesn't make
> > sense to me. RTSP is a control protocol - if you are multicasting you
> > have multiple listeners - do you really want multiple listeners to all
> > be able to change the source ?.
> >
> Well, you're right here, using rtsp as a control channel wouldn't make
> sense. However, we can use rtsp only a a way to retreive the sdp file
> describing the session.

Well, I just wish VLC could send only one channel at a time to the
multicast address; the channel sent is to be changed when no one is
listening, and the RTSP server receives a new request. If the RTSP
server receives a request for a different channel that is transmitted
now, the request gets rejected.

> A way to do this with VLC is to use
> rtp{dst=<multicast_group>,port=<dest_port>,sdp=<address_and_path_to_sdp>}

I have tried with multicast address in dst=, like above, but the
transmission is still unicast .. the VLC says so when the RTSP request
is fulfilled.

> >   Changing channel is sort of easy - you multicast em all, and the user
> > changes multicast groups to change channels. Especially easy if all the
> > interesting channels are on the same multiplex.

How can I send multiple channels of the same transponder ?

Wish you the best,

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