[streaming] Re: DVB channel multicasted using RTSP

Honorius Galmeanu honorius.galmeanu at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 09:41:37 CET 2005

Ok, thanks a lot !

On 11/11/05, Matthew Geier <matthew at arts.usyd.edu.au> wrote:
> >>>  Changing channel is sort of easy - you multicast em all, and the user
> >>>changes multicast groups to change channels. Especially easy if all the
> >>>interesting channels are on the same multiplex.
> >
> >
> > How can I send multiple channels of the same transponder ?
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/local/bin/vlc dvb:// --dvb-adapter=1 --dvb-frequency=571500000
> --dvb-bandwidth=7 --programs=769,770 --ts-es-id-pid --ttl 12
> --sout='#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=,sap,group="Usyd
> META",name="Usyd META - SBS 1 Sydney
> "},select="program=769",dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=,sap,group="Usyd
> META",name="Usyd META - SBS 2 Sydney"},select="program=770"}'
>   This works for me - seperating out the two channels on the same
> transponder and sending them on different multicast groups.
>   This is actually a slightly edited command line straight out of one of
> the examples in the documentation for vlc.
>   BTW I found what 'PID's to use (programs) using dvbscan and consulting
> the resulting 'channels.conf' file.
>   I've experimented with using RTP to frame the streams, but I don't see
> any point really. I could get quicktime to connect when I did
> --sout='#duplicate{dst=rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=1234,sap,group="Usyd
> META",name="Usyd META - ABC Sydney",sdp="sap://"},select="program=546"
>   But it didn't show anything. The 'get info' show it recieving a 5Mb/s
> stream, but no output. MPEG2 is an optional extra in quicktime it seems.
>   And the sap stuff didn't seem to get broadcast.
>   vlc and it's play list are all good, but I am hoping to build web
> pages that allow people to connect to our streams. I've done this before
> with Quicktime, and the same page works on Win and Mac. The vlc mozilla
> plugin works - but no mac version and most of the 'clients' are using Macs.

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