[streaming] multiple camera to SERVER to multiple client?

Halley, Edward D. edward.halley at pw.utc.com
Thu Sep 8 21:28:31 CEST 2005

I've skimmed the list archives and site but I'm sure I've missed
something.  Our group is looking for a streaming solution which is
from Firewire to Web, with a requirement that viewing a stream
requires LDAP authentication.  The basic usage:

    <camera>-firewire-laptop -> LAN -> desktop-browser-<viewer>

The number of laptops with cameras is not fixed.  The number of
desktops who want to watch each stream is low but variable.  The
laptops are usually WinXP but occasionally Linux.  The desktops could
be WinXP or Linux.

A laptop should just be able to plug in and start providing a stream.
A desktop should just provide the appropriate credentials, after which
they can browse the video stream.  This requires one server to broker
all these credentials with our LDAP infrastructure.

Even if VideoLAN doesn't deal with the LDAP directly, which I'm not
expecting, it shows that I probably can't just deal with laptops
broadcasting to all their clients directly.  The VideoLAN "vls" seems
to be defunct.  How could/would I set up this kind of network?

[ e d  h a l l e y ]----------------------------------------------------

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