[streaming] Re: PTS out of Range

ananta attaluri ananta.attaluri at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 17:47:09 CEST 2005

> Ananta,
> Thanks for the additional details about your setup.
> Are the modulator and demodulator connected
> through this WLAN? And I imagine that the
> demodulator is connected to a PC for video
> playback right? Does the video playback as
> expected when you directly connect the
> modulator and the demodulator?

 Hi Harshal,
 I am using a computer with VLC to playback the stream.
The correct video is being played at the client end 
but the problem is data corruption. I have attached the 
messages that I see during transmission. The modulator
and demodulator are currently connected using antennas.
 I have tried connecting the modulator and demodulator
together but still no improvement.

Have you confirmed that the video stream can be
> played by vlc by playing it from a local
> file? If vlc can play the file locally but can't
> play it when it comes through your setup, it is not
> a vlc issue. Check to see if something in the whole
> chain of components is adding errors.

 Yes, the video is an MPEG4 file and it can be played
using VLC. The chain of components could add some
 errors but all the components possess error correction 
so that streams dont lose too much data during transmission.
I want to know if there is anything i can change to improve
the stream quality.
 Thanks very much for your help,
Ananta Attaluri
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